Statutory Audit on Limited Company
Statutory Audit on Limited Company
According to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Section 122, it requires that an audited financial statement of a limited company must be submitted to the shareholders at each Annual General Meeting. Annual audit not only is an indispensable procedure of each Hong Kong limited company, it will also be able to detect potential problem of a company and allow directors and shareholders to take action in advance.
Special audit engagement
We have been engaged regularly to carry out special audit based on objective defined by client. Special audit includes following:
· Audit on sole proprietor or partnership: It is common for sole proprietor or partnership to carry out annual audit. Not only will it enhance the reliability of the company's financial statements, but also it is required for certain professions like firm of solicitors, securities company and travel agency to prepared annual audited financial statements.
· Audit to detect suspected fraud, errors and irregularities: As an independent auditor, we have been engaged from time to time to carry out investigations on financial records based on defined criteria and report to the shareholders an independent opinion base on our finding.
· Report of factual findings in connection with individual items of financial data: We have also been engaged to perform procedures of an audit nature and to report our findings concerning individual items of financial data, e.g. accounts payable, accounts receivable and sales and profit, of a segment of an entity. Such kind of report can assist the users in evaluating the validity of individual items of financial data.
Review of interim financial reports: Timely and reliable interim financial reporting improves the ability of shareholders and directors to understand an enterprise's capacity to generate earnings and cash flows and its financial condition and liquidity. We can review client's interim financial report and to issue independent review report.